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WhatsApp video call
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WhatsApp video call update is rolling

Date : 2018-04-18
Author : Amar Prem

One of the most awaited features of WhatsApp is out now. This feature is the Video call. The new update comes in WhatsApp. They finally officially launch Video calling in WhatsApp on Tuesday, 2017. This feature is rolling on android. You merely need to update your WhatsApp for video calling. Just check your Google Play or Apple store for a new update then update with the new release.  

If you don't see Video calling feature on your WhatsApp, then update your app. If you upgrade your app, but you are unable to video to your friend. That means your friend is still using old user. Ask your friends to update their app to the latest release version. This feature is fresh and very easy. Before launching finally, they start it a beta version for testing and after testing successfully. They eventually begin it.