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Super Mario Run on Android
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Super Mario Run is available on Android

Date : 2018-04-20
Author : Amar Prem

Finally, Super Marion Run is available on Android after the long wait. Super Mario is Nintendo's second game after Fire Emblem Heres. Super Mario Run is freely available for Android and IOS users on Google Play store & IOS store. Entire level and boss levels are free, but if you want to play World Tour Mode, then you have to pay $9.99 one time cost. When the first time you open this game, it will ask you for your region and registration also. You can signup using Email, Facebook, and Twitter.

People were registering for this game from last 4-5 months or more. Game graphic is perfect, and it is effortless to play on your phone. It runs automatically forward, and it will also come across small difficulty automatically. For Jump, you have made press upward for the jump, and if you keep pressing upward, then it will take the significant increase. 

You can download it from Google Play store from here: - Super Mario Run