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New Design of Facebook Page
Image Credit:- Our Facebook Page from

New Design of Facebook Page

Date : 2018-04-15
Author : Amar Prem

Facebook page new design is trending on the Internet. The unique design of the Facebook page is also friendly and easy to use. Now, Facebook page cover picture is not covered by profile image of the page. Now user can user cover image without any disturbance of any obstacle. Here is the new look of Facebook page of theMobilesApp

The newsfeed is below the cover image, and the other details about the page are on the right side of the news feeds. Newsfeed area is small compared to last design, but it is also easy to understand without any problem for users. Link to the page like about us, likes, etc. are below the profile image of Page. Profile image of the page is on the left side of the cover image. The conclusion is that this design is outstanding.