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Google Local News App Bulletin
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Google launches the new app; ordinary man can become the journalist!

Date : 2018-05-17
Author : Sahil Kukreja

Google has launched a new app to make its place in the local news. Its name is Bulletin. Through this app, any user will be able to post the story of their area.

Through bulletin, users can post photos, videos or messages directly from their phone on the web. For this, they will not even feel the need for a blog or website. Bulletin Stories will remain public and can be accessed through Google search.

Google's reference to the app said, 'This app is for you to create stories for you and your society. This app has been prepared for the stories that cannot come to the web. For the time being this app has been made available to users of Auckland, California, and Nashville. Here local users can use it.

Also, reports show that users can post their stories with photos and videos in real time through this app.